This entire post is based on exploring a simple equation:
Stress + Rest = Growth
This is known as the Growth Equation, and I believe it was introduced this way by Brad Stulberg; however, this model has existed in nature for ... ever?
Just look at the way your muscles work - this four-minute video by TED-Ed covers it well.
If you know anything about me, you'll know I'm not a fan of complicated math.
To help illustrate my point throughout this post, I am going to try and use some very (very) simple math.
We're going to explore a few different scenarios involving the Growth Equation.
But first, some definitions.
Two Kinds of Stress
Good stress = Stress with a positive value.
Bad stress = Stress with a negative value.
What's an example of good stress? Think of something that's challenged you recently, that you've actually enjoyed being challenged by. That's good stress.
Bad stress is unwanted. If it involves a challenge, it's often a challenge that is greater than your current skill level, which might lead to anxiety.
Two Kinds of Rest
Low quality rest = Rest with a value lower than stress.
High quality rest = Rest with a value higher than stress.
The quality of rest can be as simple as a good night's sleep v.s. a bad night's sleep.
Scenarios of the Growth Equation
To save time, I've just made a table:
The main point I want to illustrate here is simple:
We might not always be able to control the kind of stress we experience, yet we can still grow if we control the quality of rest we experience.
A few questions I will leave you with:
If I asked you what you need to feel "fully recharged," what would that look like for you?
Who is holding you accountable to rest?
What are the barriers you are facing to experiencing high quality rest?
Can you separate quantity of rest with quality of rest? How?
That's enough to be getting along with I'm sure.
Rest well.