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Closed Grip and Open Grip

The other day, I bought four sandwiches.

Two were for our kids, two were for other kids.

The sandwiches were toasted and placed into small brown paper bags.

Look at your hand for a minute.

If you ignore your thumb, you'll notice that you have three gaps between your remaining four fingers (assuming you have five fingers on your hand).

I had to carry these four sandwiches back to where all the kids were playing—we were in a park.

So what I did at first, was fold up each sandwich bag so that it had a tight crease along the top, then I grabbed all the bags using the gaps between my fingers.

There were four bags and only three gaps, so I carried two bags in the gap between my index and middle finger.

After walking for a short while with the bags being carried this way, let's call this the closed grip way, my hand started to hurt.

I decided to switch to a new grip, let's call it the open grip.

I flipped my hand over and I placed all four sandwich bags on my open palm. Then I lightly curled my fingers around the bags to secure them.

I felt much less tension and was able to carry the sandwiches with ease the rest of the way.


I had to carry the same load.

When I approached it with an open grip, it was easier to carry.

Is your grip closed or open?

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