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A New Floor

Think about the hardest thing you've had to do or face in your life recently.

You can define hard and recent however you want. It's your thing.

If, in your recollection, overcoming that thing felt impossible or even paralyzing in some way, that's the exact thing I want you to hold in your mind as you read this post.

Perhaps you're still experiencing the thing now, in which case holding in your mind shouldn't be too difficult.

Ok, that's the end of the prologue.


Picture yourself standing in a room.

The only distinctive feature about this room that I want to point out to you, is the ceiling.

The ceiling is quite high.

How high?

High enough that you can't jump and touch it, even if you happen to be a part-time olympic high jumper.

In this room, touching the ceiling is the equivalent of the hardest thing you have to do.

Two important features of hard things:

  1. We can grow as a result of them. In some ways, they force us to do so.

  2. Because of how time works, your current hard thing will eventually pass.

Eventually, you will break through the ceiling in this room.

Then, what was once your ceiling, will become your new floor.


I want to leave you with two parting thoughts about hard things, using the language of floors and ceilings.

Thought 1: The floors you're standing on, might be ceilings to someone else. Don't compare. Have empathy because you know what it's like to try and break through a ceiling.

Thought 2: Consider documenting the moments where you're looking at a really high ceiling. Your life will be full of them, and it might be helpful to look back from time to time and remind yourself about the floors you've stood on that were once ceilings.

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